
Safety Tips to Use With Your Outdoor Fireplace

July 11, 2023

Nothing says summer like a campfire – and if you’re not camping, an outdoor fireplace or fire pit in your own backyard works just as well. Sitting around the fireplace or fire pit as the sun starts to set, making… Read More

What to Do If Flowers are Wilting From Summer Heat

July 7, 2023

The summer is one of the best times of year to be outdoors, in part because of the beautiful array of flowering plants. Few things are as beautiful as a well-planned and well-maintained garden in full bloom. In addition to… Read More

Tips to Help You Pick a Patio Contractor

June 30, 2023

If you are ready to add a patio to your property, choosing the right patio contractor is important. Here are some of our best tips to choose the right patio contractor for your project.

Preventing Damage to Your Retaining Walls

June 22, 2023

Retaining walls are used to help work with uneven ground and changes of grade in a landscape, which can be effective for making more usable space, creating a space for landscape plantings, and adding a level area for a driveway…. Read More

Summer Flowers You Can Plant in Your Yard

June 16, 2023

Summer is just about here and based on the hot days we’ve been having, we’re sure you already know that. Summer gardening is always a great time despite the heat though and we know some people get worried that they… Read More

Ways that Rain Can Cause Patio Damage

June 9, 2023

When it comes to a patio, rain can really wreak havoc on it and lead to costly repairs overall. In fact, as we move along through the spring and summer months, the rain is likely to be a huge component… Read More

Qualities You Want in Your Landscaping Company

June 1, 2023

Many people think of landscaping and write it off as just making the plants pretty. While that is an important part, it is nowhere near the sum total of what a landscaping company can do, fix, or be responsible for…. Read More

Features to Make Your Outdoor Kitchen More Enjoyable This Spring

May 25, 2023

Spring has essentially sprung—if still somewhat tentatively and inconsistently: raincoat one morning, heavy parka the next—then, twenty four hours later—tank top weather! Carpe these increasingly frequent and lovely diems, everybody; spring truly is the perfect time to enhance your outdoor… Read More

Signs You’re Working with the Wrong Residential Landscaping Company

May 18, 2023

When it comes to forming your outdoor living space into a perfect replica of how it appears in your most vibrant recurring dreams, good reader, choosing the right residential landscaping company is absolutely crucial. It follows, then, that hiring the… Read More

Should You Get an Outdoor Fireplace or a Fire Pit?

May 11, 2023

The seasons of backyard living are upon us, and this is the time for devising the upgrades and improvements you want to make to your yard so that it becomes the nicest room (not) in the house. One of the… Read More