Here are landscaping tasks you’ll want to complete during fall.
We’re nearing the end of August, and that means summer is getting ready to come to a close. Once the fall season arrives, the way you take care of your yard will change. We want to let you know what you’ll need to do once the fall season is set in motion. Here are landscaping tasks you’ll want to complete during fall.
Give Mulch to Your Younger and More Fragile Plants
While mulching can be seen as a landscaping task for spring, it’s actually a good idea to mulch during fall as well. Mulch is an insulator for your plants. Not only does this keep your plants cool during summer, but it also keeps your plants warmer when temperatures drop. Mulch also becomes a barrier that keeps you safe from soil erosion and water runoff, which can become especially problematic during winter due to the nature of thaw cycles.
Cut Back Your Perennials
As your perennial plants begin to go dormant, you’ll want to give them a good pruning. By doing this, you rid your perennials of dead foliage, which would otherwise attract creatures such as slugs. Also, energy can get to your plants’ root systems more easily when you trim away all of the excess. On top of that, when spring arrives once again, you won’t have a bunch of leftover dead plant matter that makes it harder for your plants to grow.
Keep Your Lawn Aerated
When soil gets too compacted, it can reduce the moisture levels that your soil has. On top of that, less oxygen and fertilizer will get to the roots of your plants, and you’ll have a less healthy root system overall.
To combat this problem, one of your fall landscaping tasks should be to aerate your lawn. By doing this, your lawn will be healthier, and have a greener color to boot.
Get Rid of Dead Limbs
Look at the trees and shrubs around your yard and see if any of them need pruning. If they do, you want to make removing these limbs one of your landscaping tasks for this fall season. If these dead limbs are left unattended, they could cause future damage to your home or yard (e.x. large limbs landing on a fence). It’s better to take care of these limbs on your own terms before nature has a chance to knock them down.
Contact Sposato Landscape
For over 25 years, Sposato Landscaping has been beautifying and nurturing countless landscapes throughout the Delmarva area. We offer many services, including landscape design, installations, residential maintenance, hardscape, commercial maintenance, and turf nutrient management.
Visit our website to see what we can do for you, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and YouTube.