Categories: Lawn Care

Landscaping Tips You Should Use This Summer

Here are landscaping tips you’ll want to use this summer.

Summer is a time for being outdoors. After all, the weather is warmer and much more beautiful, making it a perfect time of year to enjoy your yard. To get the most enjoyment from your yard, however, you’ll need to care for it properly throughout the summer season. The higher temperatures and intense sunlight can take a toll on your yard, so it’s important to stay on top of landscaping procedures during this time. Here are landscaping tips you’ll want to use this summer.

Take Advantage of Sunshade

While sunlight is healthy for your plants, this is only true in moderation. Too much sunlight can actually be detrimental to your landscape. To keep your landscape from receiving excess sunlight, you could build a shade structure that shields certain areas from the sun.

As an alternative, you could install new plants in your yard, ones that are taller and have sun resistance. This is especially nice if you’re looking for a natural solution.

Stay on Top of Weed Control

While summer is a time when many flowers can thrive, it’s also a time when weeds grow as well. You don’t want weeds to spread across your yard, which is why weed control needs to be a top priority on your summer landscaping checklist.

Try to pull out any weeds you see before they have a chance to grow. You can do this on your own, or you can have a landscaping company assist with weed removal. If you don’t see any weeds in your yard, take a preventative measure by adding mulch to your landscape. Mulch is great at repressing the ability for weeds to grow, and it provides many healthy nutrients to the other parts of your landscape.

Make Sure to Mow High

Mowing the lawn is a common task on your summer landscaping checklist. What’s important is knowing what height your grass should be after you’re done cutting. This determines where you should set your mower blades.

Typically, during summer, you’ll want to mow high. When grass stays tall, it encourages a deeper root system to develop. This helps your lawn raise its drought resistance.

Contact Sposato Landscape

For over 25 years, Sposato Landscaping has been beautifying and nurturing countless landscapes throughout the Delmarva area. We offer many services, including landscape design, installations, residential maintenance, hardscape, commercial maintenance, and turf nutrient management.

Visit our website to see what we can do for you, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and YouTube.

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